Scalable Security in an Unimaginably Large Internet
William R. Soley
Sun Microsystems, Inc., Palo Alto, California
IEEE Future Trends in Distributed Computing Systems
Tunis, Tunisia, October 1997
for the panel discussion are also available.
The Internet is predicted to become unimaginably
large in the coming decades. Not only will it grow in the number, but also
in the diversity, of the connected devices. This position paper briefly
looks at how the security challenges presented by such growth differ from
those of today, and some possible directions to meet those challenges.
We face the prospect in the coming decades of an unimaginably
large global public network made up not only of general purpose computer
systems, but also billions of special purpose controllers and sensors.
In an attempt to imagine the unimaginable I recently read a collection
of essays,
Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing,[4]
in which several noted experts share their visions of the future. Cerf
foresees everything being connected to the Internet
Bell and Gray imagine "the ultimate personal assistant consisting of 'on
body' computers" connected to a "body network."
Weiser and Brown talk about the "ubiquitous computing" era that will find
computers "embedded in walls, chairs, clothing, light switches, cars and
[10] The
designers of IPv6 seem to agree since the 128-bit long address fields
are more than enough to uniquely address every atom on the surface of the
As much as I find this well-connected future to be exciting,
I am also terrified to consider the harm that could come to individuals
and society if such a powerful network were to be abused. The possibility
of information warfare is substantial
Not only are privacy and financial assets at stake from unauthorized manipulation
of databases or on-line transactions, but people's very lives could be
in jeopardy when controllers and sensors used for health care are connected
to the public network.
When the network grows in size, the opportunity for abuse
increases. As the network becomes more intimately connected to our daily
lives, the consequences of abuse increase. Good security will be far more
important in the network of the future than it is today. Yet the sheer
scale of the network will make many security techniques employed today
impractical or inappropriate.
What is the future of firewalls?
Firewalls work on the principle that a network administrator
examines the traffic patterns and security policies of the organization
to be protected by the firewall and then defines a set of access rules
to be installed in the firewall system for it to enforce on the traffic
passing through it. There are a number of limitations that will make this
approach increasingly impractical as the network evolves toward the future.
The firewall assumes the inside part of the network
is trusted and attempts to protect it from the outside part. This
model breaks down when there is no longer a well defined inside and outside.
Devices on what might be considered the inside may not be equally trusted.
Some of the inside devices will need to be protected from each other. Consider
the example that the electric company wants to connect their meter to your
home network so they can read it remotely. You may not trust their meter
and it may not trust you. There is also the transitive trust problem that
thwarts drawing simple boundaries.
Growth in the diversity of the devices, protocols and
services available on the network will make prediction of traffic patterns
difficult and problematic. A single application will make use of a wider
range of protocols and connect to a wider range of destinations than is
common today. Configuring the firewall requires a priori knowledge of the
expected applications, protocols and endpoints. This will quickly become
Proper firewall configuration requires a moderate level
of network and security expertise. It is inappropriate to require these
skills of end users. End users would be forced to contract for these services.
Firewalls will continue to be important to protect legacy
systems as long as they exist, but will be used less and less as the primary
defense for a network. The primary defense will move to the end systems.
How will access control evolve?
The common state of access control today is pitiful.
Almost everything is based on password authentication with some kind of
manually administered list of authorized users. If you are lucky, the access
control lists are centralized to make them easier to administer. These
techniques don't scale and they aren't secure. They are heavily oriented
toward interactive access and do not effectively address unattended interprocess
There are lots of companies trying to solve this problem
today with proprietary solutions. Proprietary won't work. The growth that
is being predicted includes huge numbers of tiny "nearly free" devices.
These are not general purpose computing systems that we are used to. I
don't want to have to upgrade the software in my dining room light to keep
the neighbor's kids from turning it off in the middle of my dinner. It
has to be built in -- "nearly free." A suite of public-key/certificate-based
open standards is needed that will support a wide range of devices, from
a dining room light to a super-computer. Kerberos
is the closest thing today, but it is symmetric key-based which makes it
awkward to scale.
How will all those keys be managed?
Key management is the biggest challenge. What makes it
so hard is that it goes way beyond the software industry. Of course widely
accepted open standards are needed to solve the key management problem
on a large scale, but the real problem is a matter of infrastructure, law
and international treaty. I am not a lawyer so I will focus on the technical
Public-key cryptography is the answer to the scalability
problem. Certificates are needed to assure that the communicating parties
have the correct keys for each other (and not a key belonging to an imposter).
The most common certificate format today is X.509. I dislike it for several
reasons, but I think it will do what we need, so we should stop arguing
and get on with it.
Another issue of debate is who signs the certificates.
The choice is generally between hierarchical certificate authorities and
a web-of-trust. There are situations where each is appropriate. If it is
allowed for a single key to be certified by more than one authority, and
if it is allowed for any key to sign a certificate, then this is effectively
a web-of-trust. I believe the minor complication is justified to get the
flexibility of supporting both trust models.
What about security of the host?
Secure network protocols do not help very much if software
bugs or misconfiguration leave the hosts vulnerable to break-in. As operating
systems and applications grow in complexity, the chance of vulnerability
increases. In order to achieve the needed reliability, the security critical
functions must be isolated in a small, well-defined, verifiable security
Programming languages and systems contribute directly
to the reliability of the software. C and C++ lack of strong type checking
on pointer references, lack of memory bounds enforcement, and crude memory
allocation are problematic. Languages such as Java improve on this while
also providing the option of an active security manager
or even capability-based security features
But of course, there is never a substitute for talent and good software
engineering practice.
Scalable security capable of supporting the expected growth
in the Internet will require substantial investments and new technology.
Firewall technology will not scale to future network size and diversity.
Public-key technology is most promising. We must establish a standardized,
widely available and trusted public-key infrastructure. Next is government
acceptance of the need to protect the assets of the new channel for commerce.
Software vendors must improve their security architecture and recognize
security as a major factor in product quality.
[1] Bell, Gordon, and James N. Gray. "The
Revolution Yet to Happen." Essay in [4].
[2] Bolt, Sean. "IPv6 Density." On-line.
[3] Cerf, Vinton G. "When They're Everywhere."
Essay in [4].
[4] Denning, Peter J., and Robert M. Metcalfe.
Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1997.
[5] Druffel, Larry. "Information Warfare."
Essay in [4].
[6] Electric Communities. "Using the EC Trust
Manager to Secure Java." On-line.
[7] Fritzinger, J. Steven, and Marianne Mueller.
"Java Security." On-line, Sun Microsystems, 1996.
[8] Hinden, R., and S. Deering, eds. "IP
Version 6 Addressing Architecture." ietf Network Working Group,
Dec 1995.
[9] Neuman, B. Clifford, and Theodore Ts'o.
"Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Computer Networks." ieee
Communications, 32(9):33-38. September 1994.
[10] Weiser, Mark, and John Seely Brown.
"The Coming Age of Calm Technology." Essay in [4].
Copyright 1997 IEEE. Published in the Proceedings of FTDCS'97, October
29-31, 1997.
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